Friday, January 30, 2009

Bandanna Chic

I decided that my little Chihuahua, Kona, just wasn't looking stylish enough. She doesn't really like to wear clothing so I decided maybe a nice little bandanna was in order!

The perfect fabric to chic up my Chi Chi came to mind, Heather Bailey's Pop Garden. OH YEAH! Lucky for me I had some in my closet!

About 20 minutes later Kona was lookin fab!
(Doesn't she sorta look like a meerkat here?)

Just cut a couple triangles, sew em up right sides together, flip inside out, fold over the end to make a channel for a collar to fit through, sew it up, and voila! Bandanna-tabulous!

Make your own or get one on my Etsy shop.

Friday, January 23, 2009

You Say To-May-Toe, I say To-Mah-Toe

Scrumptious Pin cushion anyone? No matter how great they look, I can't guarantee these pin cushions will be nummy to nosh on. However I can guarantee your pins will love em!

Last month, I came across a pattern set by Heather Bailey on, it's called Fresh Picked Pin Cushions, clever and cute? I think so! That's why I couldn't pass em up! BTW, I heart SewMamaSew!

Here's my Mater!
Does the gorgeousmosity astound you?

Here's the pattern. Nummy.
You can make tomato's, pears, apples and strawberries. There's so many fab fabrics out there, the possibilities surely are unlimited!

The sewing is relatively simple if you are good at closely following instructions. But I warn you, be prepared to stuff, stuff, stuff.... and stuff some more!
Don't forget, you can always buy one of the babies from Moi. Custom order it on my Etsy page and join the ranks of really cool pin cushion owner!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Creative with Clay

I really hadn't intended on posting anything else this week but I've really just got to share a crazy cool class with you all!

Those of you familiar with or interested in polymer clay will want to perk up your little earlings for this. Christie Friesen is offering a new online class.

Ever heard of Steampunking? Well if not go on Christie's site and check, check, check it out! I signed up for her Gryphon class. You learn to create the below.

Isn't this Gryphon superb-a-licious?

She's issued part 1 but it's still not to late to register!

While your on her site check out her other cool projects and books. I'll be sure to post some pics of my creations inspired by her works.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Craft-a-licious Blog

This is my blog, it's my very first!

I'll be posting works of supreme cuteness made by moi (French for me) and some fellow crafty craftersons. I'll also attempt to make some interesting conversation here and there.

I'll start with one of my favorite crafts to make. Shrink Art!

I particularly like bees, I've been on a bee kick lately for sure. It's probably time to branch out. You'll recognize this little guy from my banner!

I fell in LOVE with shrink art a few years back after buying Elaine Jackson's book, Shrink Art In Style. It's fantabulous!

You can see Elaine's works on her blogs or her etsy page!

Later Gators.